According to statistics, only 17% of UK tech jobs are held by women. According to one study it has been found that around 83% of girls come out of school without learning anything about computer coding despite the computer science courses that are available. It seems surprising knowing the fact that the first algorithm to design a machine was given by a woman, Ada Lovelace.
However, new ideas are being implicated by the government such as, announcements that are trying to incline students especially females more towards computer programming in schools. It is important to create inclination of girls towards coding as they are thought to be more determined and hard working from an early age. According to studies, girls are thought to succeed over boys in school because of their long set academic goals and the efforts that they invest in order to achieve these goals.
As time is passing, how many of us actually look into paper maps anymore or anything that’s in paper work for that matter? We’re living a fast life and want everything at the palm of our hands. With the IT world growing and advancing at such a rapid pace, we need more people working in this field of study. Knowing how programming could be beneficial towards us and our society but the question is how do we specifically get more girls into coding? We present you a few ways!
Female Role Models
A geeky teenage boy sitting in the basement with his computer and dealing with a lot of numbers! Isn’t this the image that the social media has set for us when it comes to coding and computer programming? In order to interest more girls towards this profession, it’s really important to present to them female role models with a background that generally every student can relate to and connect with. This can be hard, provided that the numbers of women that are already in this field are far less. Nevertheless, the students should be provided with mentors from an early age to help them at every step of the way!
Use of Social Media
A study reports that 92% of teens are reported to go online daily. Social Media should be taken into consideration and graphic designers, app developers, should create interesting and fun coding apps and games for teenage girls especially. This could incline women more towards this field of knowledge and could develop a great amount of interest in coding.
Coding classes should be made mandatory in schools and educational institutions from an early stage to create more awareness and familiarity. These classes should be conducted from the start by high profile programmers so as to attract youth to discover more about coding and the latest technological trends. Parents can also encourage their girls to attend holiday tech camps where they get real life hands-on practical experience with coding and hardware gadgets.
In order to motivate more girls towards coding, it is important to spread information about it by opting for a more simplified approach. Start off by looking for more engaging ways to get girls to understand and additional ways that would interest them more towards the idea of coding. It is really important especially for our youth to understand that coding isn’t only for geeks and nerds!